3-13-18 Guns Children Taxes Bus Lines


It is hard to create a subject line that somehow brings attention to three important issues that on the face of it have little to do with each other.

But the common theme is our Hoboken community and more voices.
Tomorrow morning at 10:00 am please join your neighbors and me for a vigil in front of City Hall in support of the students who are participating in the National Walkout.  Wear orange in solidarity and share this with your neighbors.  Parkland FL is 1250 miles from us.  But did you know that one of the girls killed is a cousin of one of our Hoboken neighbors?  I didnt until today.  As you know, I do not have children of my own.  But this tragedy has pulled at my heartstrings in such a way that I dont want to stop talking about it until something is done to make sure this will never happen again.  And coming together and keeping the conversation alive and demanding that our elected officials make changes to keep all of us safe is the least we can do.  I am not sure you are aware but I chair the Hoboken Democratic Committee and one of our efforts this year is to support elections statewide and get behind candidates who will support responsible gun control.  I know that this may not resonate with everyone on this email, but if it resonates with you and you would like to be more involved, please email me and let me know.  There is so much we can do if we do it together.
On a less heart felt topic, Hoboken taxes… I am the chair of the Finance, Administration and Infrastructure subcommittee for the third year in a row and we are amidst budget season.  I know that everyone would like to see their taxes go down as would I.  But I also know that people would like to see improved municipal services like cleaner streets, safer intersections, more policemen walking in busy areas, an improved recreation department and better management of our considerable public works projects.  We have seen an expansion of our ratable base (this means more people in the pool who pay taxes so everyone pays less) but we have also seen rising health care and labor costs as well that will absorb much of this benefit. So the Mayor and City Council will be focused on optimizing the improvement of city services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers.  
In an ideal world where you could have any improvements with no concomitant increase in taxes, what would you like to see? 
For the 2nd ward I have submitted the following:
  • Grass and fixed play surfaces at Elysian Park
  • Speedhumps at 15th and Garden
  • Traffic light at 14th and Garden
  • All way stop at 13th and Park
  • Improved traffic light timing at 11th and Hudson
  • Cleaner streets (especially in the upper brownstone area)
  • Safety improvements to the intersections of 14th and Shipyard and 12th and Shipyard
  • Bump out at 9th and Hudson (for trucks turning left onto 9th)
  • Repaired Cobblestone road on Castle Point Terrace
For the overall city management I have submitted the following:
  • Economic Development Director 
  • Director of Public Works / City Engineer to better manage our large city wide projects like Washington Street and the many water infrastructure improvements
  • Additional police officers walking on Washington street to ensure bike and pedestrian safety and working with the homeless
What else do you think should be on my list?
I have received several emails/twitters (yes…I am slowly increasing my twitter presence @Tiffanie_Fisher) in the last couple of weeks concerning what seems to be fairly recent and significant increases in uptown bus lines during the morning commute.  Yesterday @HobokenCommuter posted this video of 14th and Willow:
Please email me with what your experience has been and what time so I can provide feedback to NJ Transit this week. 
I still owe you a more lengthy update (or two) on Washington Street, Elysian Park, Hoboken as a “Smart City”, and the Mayor’s new lucrative 2nd job.  I will endeavor to get this to you by the end of the week.  Of note there is a Special City Council meeting this Thursday at 7pm (rescheduled from last week due to weather) where we will be voting on the 2nd reading for the acquisition of Union Dry Dock among other things. 
Feel free to email or call me (201/208-1674) if you have any questions on these, or if there is any other topics you want to discuss.  As always, thank you for engaging.  More voices are always better.  On everything.  Hoping to see you tomorrow at 10:00 am at City Hall.
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”

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