15th Street Closure Delayed One Month


As we’ve seen before, street construction in Hoboken often uncovers unexpected utility conflicts that slow down progress.

 This was the case with the Washington Street upgrades in 2018, where unanticipated underground issues added a full year to the timeline. Despite our ongoing efforts to build an updated inventory of utility plans, contractors working on 15th and Garden once again encountered outdated information on what was beneath the street. This has led to unforeseen utility conflicts and, as a result, construction on 15th and Garden will continue until January 25th—“just in time for the PATH closure,” as many have pointed out. Unfortunately, this impacts both nearby neighbors and everyone affected by traffic backups on Park Avenue.
Looking ahead, construction will move to 14th Street next summer, with a project planned to close the street between The Madison Bar & Grill and SoulCycle to build gate infrastructure similar to what’s underway at 15th and Garden. Currently, the plan is for this work to take place during July and August.  I have urged the administration to insist on a plan from NJDEP to ensure the work is completed within a two-month window—from July 5th (after the expected July 4th fireworks) to Labor Day (before school starts). This includes lengthening workdays, as the current schedule often ends around 3:30 p.m. Additionally, I’ve called for a better upfront traffic assessment to manage flow and mitigate disruptions, as well as coordination with NJ Transit to ensure pedestrian safety and traffic flow for buses and other vehicles throughout the construction period.
To further support these efforts, I’ve asked the city and county to provide all engineering plans that they should already have from the 2018 Washington Street upgrade to help prevent any surprises during this critical work. Our main thoroughfares are essential to keeping Hoboken moving, and it’s imperative we advocate for Hoboken residents. We can’t simply let NJDEP operate on their timeline without proper accountability. I’ll continue pushing for a streamlined, efficient process that ensures safety and minimizes disruption for all.

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