Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher Calls for More Police Officers and County Support Following Assault in Hoboken’s Church Square Park


Fisher believes that by partnering and strengthening resources, Hoboken can enhance safety and support for all residents.

HOBOKEN, N.J. — Following an assault in Church Square Park, Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher is urging the Bhalla Administration to increase funding in the city’s 2025 budget to add more police officers in Hoboken. The incident, which happened during the middle of the day with many witnesses in the park, involved an individual with a history of offenses in Hoboken assaulting two people, leaving one person needing minor hospital care. Officers arrived quickly on the scene, making an arrest with the assistance of local residents who helped clear the way for emergency response.


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Hoboken Prepares for the “Skip the Stuff” Ordinance Rollout on September 1st

City Council-Led Initiative Sets a New Standard for Sustainability

August 16, 2024

Hoboken, NJ — As Hoboken’s groundbreaking “Skip the Stuff” ordinance is set to take effect on September 1st, Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, the lead sponsor of the legislation, expressed her pride in this major step forward for the city’s sustainability efforts. The ordinance, which prohibits restaurants from automatically including single-use plastic utensils and condiments in takeout orders unless specifically requested by the customer, was passed unanimously by the City Council in June.

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Hoboken City Council Members Call for Investigation into Mayor Ravi Bhalla’s Alleged Quid Pro Quo Arrangements


Hoboken, NJ –Yesterday, on the steps of City Hall, Hoboken City Councilmembers called on Attorney General Matthew Platkin and federal authorities to initiate a full-scale investigation into alarming allegations against Mayor Ravi Bhalla and other governmental officials.  These allegations of quid pro quo with other political influencers suggest that preferential treatment in cannabis dispensary approvals were exchanged for beneficial contracts to Schenck Price Smith and King, the law firm Mayor Bhalla worked for at the time.


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Hoboken, NJ (April 13th, 2022).  Hoboken City Council members are calling for a recreational cannabis applicant to withdraw its application for a dispensary proposed in the center of the most densely populated residential area of Hoboken, the site of the former Hudson Tavern. 


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Hoboken Councilwomen Requesting Probe into Mayor Bhalla's Former Chief of Staff John Allen for Effectively Trading on his Role as Hoboken's ABC Board Attorney


Hoboken, N.J. – In September, Hoboken Councilwomen Jen Giattino and Tiffanie Fisher learned that the law firm Schenk, Price, Smith & King was handling the ownership restructuring of two local Hoboken bars who hold liquor licenses: McSwiggan’s and Green Rock.  In any other place, this would not seem extraordinary.  However, in Hoboken, former Chief of Staff to Mayor Bhalla named John Allen, a city employee, was serving as attorney for the local Alcohol and Beverage Commission Board at the time while also employed as one of Schenck Price’s attorneys - a clear conflict of interest.


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BREAKING: After Bhalla's Decade’s High 7.4% Increase in 2020, Hoboken Councilwoman Fisher Calls for Lower Hoboken 2021 Taxes


After Bhalla's Decade’s High 7.4% Increase in 2020, Hoboken Councilwoman Fisher Calls for Lower Hoboken 2021 Taxes 

Hoboken, N.J. – At tonight’s Hoboken City Council meeting, Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher is sponsoring a municipal budget amendment to be voted on that would deliver a $2.7M, 4.5% tax decrease for Hoboken taxpayers. 

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BREAKING: After 7-1 Council Vote for AG Led, Renewed Investigation into the 2017 Racially Biased Election Flyer, Councilwoman Fisher Says Many Unanswered Questions Remain

It has been over three years since an ugly, racially biased flyer against one mayoral candidate and portrayed as being sent by another mayoral candidate was found on the windshields of cars in Hoboken, four nights before the 2017 election. 

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Monarch - You Can Count On My Vote

Dear Friends and Neighbors

I want to talk about Monarch with you like we have been doing since 2011


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Councilwoman Fisher Thanks Colleagues for Unanimously Backing eScooter Restrictions at Public Parks, Waterfront Walkways

Councilwoman pledges to continue working for pedestrian safety

HOBOKEN, NJ -- The Hoboken City Council voted unanimously last night in favor of a resolution sponsored by Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher restricting eScooters from all city parks as well as the Northern and Southern Waterfront Walkways. A steadfast advocate for pedestrian safety, Councilwoman Fisher has been an outspoken critic of the eScooter program, relaying constituent concerns about unsafe operations by riders, lack of effective enforcement and safety issues. Councilwoman Fisher led the efforts lead Council negotiator for a revised contract with Lime, the city's lone remaining eScooter provider, that guarantees more revenue for the city to be used for enforcement actions.

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Councilwoman Fisher’s Ethics Reform Becomes Law

HOBOKEN, N.J. – In a remarkable move, Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla intentionally chose to take “no action” on a new ethics reform policy after signing seven other pieces of legislation into law and vetoing an eighth... 

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Councilwoman Fisher: Safety Investments Still Lacking in New eScooter Contracts

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- Following weeks of advocating by Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher for better contracts to improve the safety of Hoboken’s nascent eScooter pilot program, the City Council voted on amended contracts that will allow Hoboken to collect additional revenue to help address growing public safety concerns. While the terms of the new agreements are a step in the right direction, they fall short in addressing the immediate and tangible safety initiatives that Hoboken needs to properly ensure responsible ridership and safety for its residents... 

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Hoboken City Council Creates Historic Special Improvement District

HOBOKEN, NJ The Hoboken City Council voted last night in favor of creating a Special Improvement District (SID) aimed at revitalizing the city's local economy. This historic measure passed 8-1 and the city will now turn its attention to implementing the forward-thinking plan. The district, which will be named the Hoboken Business Alliance, will encompass the entire City of Hoboken.  Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, who was the Council representative on the SID Steering Committee releases the following statement:... 

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Statement from Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher on Hoboken’s SUEZ Water Contract

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- The new 15 year water contract between the City of Hoboken and Suez went into effect on Monday. Under this contract, Hoboken will receive $33 million more in revenues to make system-wide infrastructure upgrades and eliminate water main breaks that have long plagued the city, negatively impacting residents’ quality of life. The Infrastructure subcommittee of the City Council, chaired by Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, worked tirelessly with the city’s administration to negotiate this historic contract, which ensures that Hoboken receives its fair share of water revenues to fix its aging system...

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Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher Announces Re-Election Bid as Hoboken’s Second Ward Representative

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher today announced her re-election campaign to serve as the Second Ward Representative on the City Council. Councilwoman Fisher has dedicated the three and a half years to building fiscal responsibility in Hoboken, fighting to protect our waterfront and supporting legislation that makes necessary investment’s in the city’s infrastructure... 

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Statement from Council President Jen Giattino and Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher on Hoboken’s Municipal Budget

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- On Wednesday night, the City Council gave final approval to adopt the 2019 Municipal Budget that reduced the administration’s proposed tax increase by $642,000 to a lower rate of 1.7%. This budget includes full funding of city services and makes responsible spending cuts to protect the best interest of Hoboken taxpayers...

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Bhalla Administration Orders Removal of City Council President and Councilwoman from Hoboken City Hall

Hoboken, N.J. – Yesterday Hoboken City Council President Jen Giattino and Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher were at City Hall looking into a matter involving the potential eviction of a Hoboken resident from his home.  As they finished, the councilwomen were approached by City Hall security who said they were instructed by the administration to escort the two councilwomen out of the building because “they had no business in City Hall”...   


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Mayor Bhalla Announces New Contract with Suez for Water Main Operations

Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla today announced that the City of Hoboken and SUEZ have agreed to a new water service contract that would invest at least $33 million in water infrastructure upgrades through 2034.  The new contract, which is subject to City Council approval, establishes a new public water utility and includes an average of $2.2 million in water investments per year, over six times the amount of the current contract...  

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Chief of Staff to Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla Believed Orchestrated Personal

Hoboken, NJ.  Hoboken politics has reached a new level of low when the mayor’s office directs members of the public to deliver personal attacks against council members seen as political opposition.  Repeatedly since June, certain members of the Hoboken City Council who did not support Mayor Bhalla in last year’s election have been subjected to personal attacks by two Hoboken residents...

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Councilmembers Condemn Attack Ad By Local 825 Union Against Hoboken Councilman Jim Doyle; Cite Ties to Mayor Bhalla; Call for Elected Officials to Denounce Bullying Tactics

Hoboken, NJ – At the end of last week, Elec 825, an affiliate of the Local 825 Operating Engineers union, ran an attack ad against Hoboken Councilman Jim Doyle on NJ12 criticizing Doyle for his “No” vote on the proposed Hilton hotel in Hoboken; a vote that was inconsequential in the 8-1 outcome.  Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla’s election campaign benefited from $85,000 in advertising spend through the Stronger Foundations PAC which is funded by Elec 825...  

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Hoboken Mayor Bhalla and City Council Subcommittee Agree to Redevelopment Agreement for Hilton Hotel, Push for 9-0 Vote

Hoboken, NJ – After weeks of deliberation, the Mayor of Hoboken and the City Council subcommittee have agreed with KMS Development on the terms for the proposed Hilton Hotel to be built on Hoboken’s southern waterfront... 

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Council Secures Additional Funding up to $4.85 Million; Urges Mayor Bhalla to Support and Recommends City Council to Vote 9-0 to Approve Amended Plan for Proposed Hilton Hotel

Hoboken, NJ – The City Council subcommittee responsible for evaluating the proposed Hilton hotel is announcing that late Wednesday night it received a verbal commitment from KMS, the developer of the hotel, to increase the total community benefits by $350,000 to $4.85 million.  This increase will provide further investment in education and infrastructure in surrounding neighborhoods.  With this increase, the subcommittee supports the improved plan, trusts that Mayor Bhalla will see these expanded contributions as beneficial to more Hoboken residents, and recommends that the City Council vote 9-0 on Wednesday, October 17th in support of this revised plan... 

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City Council Responds to 50% Increase To Community Giveback From Hoboken Hilton Project

"We are happy to see that collaboration with the mayor and the developer has resulted in a 50% increase in the community give back to $4.5 million and that the scope has been expanded to include critical infrastructure, affordable housing, and charter schools.  Additionally, KMS also committed today to fund immediately the much needed feasibility study to officially launch the restoration project for the former YMCA so that it can be shovel-ready when the remainder of the give back is paid after the hotel opens.  This is what is possible when our city works together." 


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City Council Subcommittee Responds to Mayor's Proposed Changes to Hoboken Hilton Project

Hoboken, NJ – The Hoboken City Council subcommittee, tasked with evaluating the proposed Hilton Hotel project, was briefed for the first time recently with the revised plans for the hotel that have tentatively been agreed by Mayor Bhalla and KMS, the developer.  The modifications include changing the overall architectural feel of the project by adding three more stories to the plan that the mayor announced in April and 20% more bulk and square footage than what was previously approved in 2017 by the City Council which the mayor (then councilman) opposed...  


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“How can we all not feel bad about this?“ Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher responds to Mayor Bhalla’s new position as Of Counsel with politically connected firm Lavery, Selvaggi, Abromitis & Cohen

“How can we all not feel bad about this?  Both the message itself and how it was disclosed only on his personal Facebook page on a Friday evening before a long holiday weekend.  

His commitment to being a full-time mayor, his commitment to ending any conflicts or perceived conflicts with his politically connected law firm, and his commitment to putting Hoboken first and not using the platform of the mayor as a stepping-stone to higher office were all questioned during the election...   


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Councilmembers Issue Statement About Potential Contract with Suez

Hoboken City Council President Jen Giattino, Councilman Peter Cunningham, and Councilwoman and Chair of the Revenue and Finance subcommittee, Tiffanie Fisher have issued the following joint statement concerning the Suez Water contract: 

"On Wednesday evening we had an ad hoc subcommittee meeting comprised of members from both the finance and revenue subcommittee and the ad hoc infrastructure subcommittee.  We were joined by representatives from the Administration and its financial consultant who has advised the Administration to date on negotiations with Suez concerning the contract for water services in Hoboken.  Councilman Michael Russo was also invited, however did not attend.  The primary purpose of the meeting was to review the Administration’s responses to the many questions that were posed by City Council members during the council meeting on August 2nd concerning the proposed contract extension between Suez Water and the City of Hoboken.  


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Yes for 6 acres of parks and municipal parking!

Although I missed the Republican candidates battle each other during the presidential debate last night, I got to see our own spirited debate at the Hoboken City Council meeting over the acquisition of 6 acres (commonly known as the BASF site) for parks, public parking and flooding mitigation...BASF_Site.jpg


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A huge shout out to the photographer who took my website and marketing photos - my hometown, 2nd ward neighbor Anthony Johnson. I found him on Instagram where he has posted a picture of the sunrise every morning.


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Uptown block parties, an amazing tradition (52 days to go)

What a treasure the uptown block parties are...when the best of Hoboken is at its best. Plenty of food (although I missed the fresh mutz). Conversations on the stoop. Movies on the sidewalk. Thank you to Cindy Cray, Paul Somerville and Diedre Wall for for introducing me to so many of your neighbors and friends. I could have talked with them all night. 52 days.. #‎Hoboken2nd.#‎CountdowntoNov3.


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#Neverforget (53 days)

Feeling lucky to have this amazing tribute.  Like many, remembering and thinking about those who lost that day. #neverforget #hoboken2nd



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54 days and counting with BBQ Wings Uptown!

Totally obsessed with Uptown Pizza 's BBQ wings!  All good things in the 2nd Ward. 54 days til election day!  #hoboken2nd #countdowntoNov354.JPG

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Kicked off "Countdown to Election" at Baja - 55 days to go!

I've been coming here since 1995 when I lived in the opposite corner of Hoboken. 20 years later, still my favorite. Lucky to have in 2nd Ward. Kicking off Countdown to Election Day! 55 days to go... #hoboken2nd #countdowntoNov3 #ilovebaja


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Tiffanie Fisher announces campaign for Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward

Hoboken, NJ – Tiffanie Fisher officially announced today the launch of her campaign to represent the 2nd Ward on the Hoboken City Council.  Members of the public are invited to a campaign kickoff event on September 17 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Ganache Café at 1500 Hudson Street in Hoboken.

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