Navigating Uncertainty Together
As I am sure you have heard, a deceased man was found early Thursday morning in Maxwell Park.
Important - Rent Control Vote
Monday night, August 5th, at 7PM there will be a special City Council meeting via ZOOM for a public hearing, 2nd reading and vote on proposed changes to our Rent Control ordinance.
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27 Property Tax Increase Edition
Tonight at 7 pm is an important City Council meeting that I hope you can attend, or at least watch.
#25 #FireworksCountdown - What You Need to Know
I am back from my #MakingMemories trip with my Dad in Australia, am finally over jet lag (took a full week!) and am Ready. For. Fireworks!
One more... Thoughts on Upcoming Election
As you know, I try to uphold the principles of integrity, fairness, and democracy in our community and have often been the loudest voice to speak out against corruption.
More is More and some updates since yesterday
This is the second part of my newsletter and a little later than I hoped.
A LOT! Cannabis, Food Delivery EBikes, PILOTs & RBD Up First...
There is a lot to share, and as I have done in the past, I am going to break these out into parts.
Weekend Reading - A Lot Covered
Happy Belated Labor Day / End of Summer / Start of Football Season / Back to School / Back to Work / Official Local Election Season...
Lids and Outdoor Dining
I am just back from ten days away with my Dad watching my friends’ four kids down at the Jersey Shore.
URGENT: Tonight Special City Council meeting
Tonight (Thursday) at 5 pm there is a VIRTUAL Special City Council meeting called by Mayor Bhalla that impacts those of you who live in buildings with 10 or fewer residential units and all food and beverage establishments.
Be safe in the heat
Today and the next two days are going to be excruciatingly hot with 'feels like' temperatures over 100 degrees.
4 Question Rat Survey
Please take a minute to fill out this 4 question survey concerning Hoboken's Growing Rat Crisis.
B: Hoboken Rats, Dispensaries, Sneakers, and more...
So happy you are back and ready for more! It is crazy how much is going on... and details matter.
A. Tonight: Maritime Park Zoom... and then so very much more...
This one has a lot. So much in fact that I broke it into two newsletters - A and B (which will follow shortly).
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Reports of Crazy Water and Sewer Bills
A few of our neighbors alerted me that they had received a crazy bill from NHSA for sewer that was basically double their prior bill.
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Maritime Park / AKA Former UDD Site
I wanted to give an update on the former Union Dry Dock site, and what we hope will someday be Maritime Park at that location.
Weekend Updates - Including a Sunday Event
Happy Saturday. Before I get into the updates, some housecleaning. First – reminder to set your clocks forward one hour overnight Saturday night / Sunday am and check and replace your batteries in your smoke alarms.
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But again, it's important. Please read.
I wanted to cover more in this newsletter as promised yesterday, but as I drafted it, I realized that the issue about tonight’s ordinance to bring Big Money back into Hoboken’s local elections is too important, too urgent and took up all the space.