#18 Serious Allegations, Be a Hero, Congressional Forum & More

Covered in this newsletter:

  • Serious Allegations of Corruption Against Mayor Bhalla et al
  • Goodbye Democracy in NJ – What You Can Do
  • Upcoming City Council Meeting
  • Uptown Library Book Locker Ribbon Cutting – May 15th
  • Be Someone's Hero Fundraiser - May 16th
  • Congressional Forum Friday Evening – May 17th
Last week I heard from many neighbors with questions about the serious allegations of misconduct and corruption by Mayor Bhalla and others alleged in the lawsuit filed by former Hoboken Director of Health & Human Services Leo Pellegrini. These claims that were first disclosed in the Hudson County View article involve potential misuse of office and ethical breaches that, if true, would affect the integrity of our city's governance.  
Pellegrini's departure raised eyebrows, with the administration publicly stating that his past actions are under investigation. Despite this, the serious nature of his allegations against Mayor Bhalla, top City Hall officials and a neighboring mayor should not be overlooked. These allegations suggest systemic issues involving Mayor Bhalla's inner circle, including Vijay Chaudhuri, Chief of Staff; Jason Freeman, Business Administrator; AsM John Allen, former Chief of Staff; and even Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop. I can confirm the validity of one allegation personally, and former Mayor Zimmer has corroborated another. The weight of evidence supporting the remaining claims points to a potential broader pattern of misconduct that merits further scrutiny.
  • Mayor Bhalla and Jersey Mayor Steve Fulop conspired in quid pro quo to trade preferential treatment and approval of a dispensary that Fulop would profit from in exchange for legal contracts for Ravi’s law firm that he would profit from.
  • Mayor Bhalla traded preferential treatment and approval for another dispensary, in exchange for political support from Brendan Gill, one of the most influential political operatives in NJ.
  • Mayor Bhalla made politically driven layoff choices of long time city employees based upon who would negatively impact him the least politically.
  • Mayor Bhalla’s top aids obstructed communication with two City Council members – myself and CW Jen Giattino - to control information and limit the council members’ influence over city operations.
  • Mayor Bhalla severed ties with former Mayor Zimmer saying she would be “f-ing” him “politically” after she chose to publicly acknowledge the positive service of Director Pellegrini during her tenure. 
Bhalla and Fulop Conspire Over Story Dispensary for Mutual Financial Benefit. 
There is a lot of supporting information for this other than the obvious that Mayor Bhalla and Team Bhalla went to the mat for Fulop at the expense of Hoboken residents. 
  • We know: from what was discovered during the condo litigation that Fulop had a large financial interest in the dispensary being approved – to the tune of $1M for his wife and business partner.  Yet Fulop says in the Politico article “.. my family has no economic interest in any dispensary.”  
  • We know Ravi’s (and John Allen’s) law firm was given its first contract in Jersey City for $50K around the times mentioned in the complaint. 
  • We know: Ravi quashed a dispensary at a competing site around the times mentioned in the complaint. 
Below is how it unfolds chronologically:
  • January 14, 2022 - The complaint says Ravi told Vijay, Jason, John Allen and Pellegrini at a lunch that Fulop called him concerned about a medical dispensary Nature’s Remedy that the Hoboken CRB approved 1/7 at 11th and Washington because it was too close to the one Fulop’s wife Jaclyn was applying for at 14th and Hudson (Story).  And it is alleged that Ravi also said he was quashing that approval in exchange for Fulop giving Ravi’s law firm Schenck Price a contract (and notably also John Allen’s law firm).  We knowRavi did stop Nature’s Remedy from moving forward. 
  • January 24th, 2022 – We know: Story Dispensary application was submitted to the CRB. 
  • February 23rd – 25th, 2022 – The complaint outlines that the day before the CRB meeting on the 24th, Ravi tells Vijay, Jason and Pellegrini that the Story dispensary application has to be approved (Jason and Pellegrini were both on the CRB). During the meeting, Ravi allegedly texted Pellegrini, urging him to "stay firm and see it through." It is also claimed that the day after the meeting, Pellegrini was told by Ravi that Fulop had called during the CRB session to push for the dispensary's approval.  The latter is supported, but not corroborated by what happened at the four hour meeting:  There was significant public opposition and the only people who supported came into the meeting at the end and were identified as close friends of the Fulops who did not live in the vicinity of the proposed dispensary. As if Fulop called them and asked that they join, suggesting the possibility that Fulop may also have called Ravi. 
  • April 19th, 2022 – We know:  At their monthly meeting, the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency awarded Schenck Price with a $50,000 contract for "Special Legal Services" for general “projects across the city”.  In their proposal a week earlier on 4/12, Schenck Price reveals they have not provided services in Jersey City previously.  The resolution says the contract is “exempt from local bidding”.  Yet in the Politico article, Ravi’s spokesperson gives a conflicting statement saying Schenck Price “was selected in a competitive process by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency.”
  • May 17th, 2022 – We knowthe Hudson County Planning Board approved Story, led by John Allen, a commissioner on the HCPB, who was at the January 14th lunch, was then Mayor Bhalla’s Chief of Staff and also an attorney with Schenck Price.
I have shared these allegations with the state Commision for Recreational Cannabis regarding their review of the Story Dispensary application and have confirmed they are taking this seriously.  I also recommended that they refer this to the Attorney General. 
Bhalla and His Team Obstruct Communication With Councilmembers
We know this is true.  When the alleged meeting happened, we immediately felt it – curious why those we speak with regularly were not returning phone calls or emails.  I received an email from a City Hall employee three days after the meeting directing me to talk with Vijay and Jason going forward.  But the situation corrected itself organically and quickly and we got back to delivering for Hoboken residents.  Like always.  The strange part is that it was only intended to hurt Hoboken residents. 
Mayor Bhalla Cut Ties With Former Mayor Zimmer Accusing Her of Acting Against His Political Interests
We know that Mayor Zimmer corroborated this in the Jersey Journal article:  “I have no comment other than to confirm that the description of my conversation with Mayor Bhalla in the complaint is accurate.”
All of the allegations are clearly not violations of law if true, but some are and should be investigated. The rest are just examples of divisive leadership that compromises the integrity of our local government, and hurts Hoboken residents.
Yesterday was a dark day in New Jersey as both houses of our State Legislature – the Assembly and the Senate – passed laws that will gut the provisions of the Open Public Records Act.  The law now advances to Governor Murphy for him to sign, or veto.  ***Please take one minute today and call Governor Murphy’s office and ask him to please veto the Gut OPRA bill - 609-292-6000.  Let him know you oppose the bill and that democracy, and quite frankly his legacy, depends on his veto.***
Why is this important?  In its simplest terms, the new law increases the protections for government officials to do bad things and not get caught - aka CORRUPTION.  It’s that simple, and there is no other rationale for this new law.  They do this by significantly disarming the ability of the public to access public records.  Every single story you have read in the news about government bad actors came from an OPRA request.
How did our state reps do?  Poorly – Sen. Raj Mukherji attended, but didn’t vote.  AsM John Allen and AsW Jessica Ramirez didn’t attend, after both voted yes on an earlier version in committee.  Across Hudson County, the ONLY ‘No’ vote was Sen. Barbara McCann Stamato.  The rest voted ‘Yes’.  The Senate vote passed by 1 vote.  Let that sink in.  The Assembly vote passed by 4.
I must say this: when Mayor Bhalla or Assemblyman John Allen tout their support for OPRA and transparency, take it with a grain of salt. During Allen's tenure at City Hall, there was a concerted effort to delay and deny OPRA requests to shape the narrative. Currently, we are facing a potential $87,000 fine that taxpayers may bear, following a judge's ruling that an OPRA request for one document was illegally denied. Moreover, one of the main points in my complaint to the Office of Attorney Ethics against Allen involves his efforts to block access to public records concerning his own conflicts of interest. These incidents are just a few among many.
I am proud that the Hoboken City Council passed a resolution opposing an earlier version of the law that just passed - a version that was even less damaging.  And last week at the Senate Committee hearing, along with testifying against the bill, I registered opposition to the bills for seven of eight of my City Council colleagues.  Access to open records is foundational to democracy.  Call Governor Murphy and tell him this: 609-292-6000  
The meeting is Wednesday evening at City Hall.  Please attend in person to share your views on anything, or you can watch from home on the city’s Facebook and YouTube channels.  Here are a few noteworthy items on the agenda:
  • The public hearings for the 3 proposed art installations are back (feels too soon to me…)
  • 2nd reading of expansion of open container laws to Hoboken Housing Authority (previously not included for some reason) to help ensure safety for HHA residents. LINK
  • 1st reading of ordinance to prohibit fireworks from being launched from the uptown waterfront and within the Weehawken Cove due to the proximity to significant residential density – this does not prohibit them from being launched further out in the Hudson River. (I sponsored) LINK
  • 1st reading of “Skip the Stuff” ordinance which will require restaurants to not provide plastic utensils with food deliveries unless requested – this is to reduce plastic waste in our landfills and does not prohibit restaurants from providing plastic utensils on site. (I sponsored) LINK
  • 1st reading of ordinance to graduate fines for certain trash related events and eliminate requirement for court appearance for first violation (Ramos / Giattino sponsors).  LINK
  • Introduction of Hoboken Business Alliance Budget and their installation of bistro lights along Washington street.
If you are around, please come by the Hoboken Historical Museum at 2pm for the ribbon cutting for what is the first 24/7 library book locker in NJ!  This affords neighbors who are further away from our downtown library locations to both order books from the library online as well as drop them off once read. 

I often mention Community Lifestyles in my newsletters because it is an amazing Hoboken based organization whose mission is to empower, understand, stablize and connect the youth of Hoboken.  This is your chance to be a hero and help CL raise funds for their annual summer camp that is free for children in the HHA.  Buy a ticket, donate a ticket, come to what is an awesome event this Thursday night at the Elks.  Hope to see you there!
Come spend your Friday evening with me and two of the candidates vying to represent you in Congress.  The Pulse with Peter B and TapInto are hosting a candidate forum on Friday evening at Demarest Middle School (4th and Garden) for the upcoming congressional race.  Questions will be taken from the audience for both candidates.  Congressman Rob Menendez will go first at 6pm followed by Mayor Bhalla at 645pm. 
I am certain you will learn what we already know which is that Rob is a great congressman and has earned your vote, and to be re-elected!  Email any questions you have for the candidates to [email protected]

Imagine you, or someone you loved, were one of the long time employees who suddenly lost their job and had their life upended because you were less of a liability to the mayor than the person sitting next to you who was spared.  We heard this from many at the time and examples were given of people taken off the list who were friends of Ravi supporters.  Although I have nothing tangible to support this, I was not surprised by the allegation in the complaint.   
As always, please share this with everyone you know who may be interested and reach out any time on any issue important to you: 201-208-1764 or [email protected].  Click to subscribe to my newsletter.  
Tiffanie Fisher
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”
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Learn more: www.Hoboken2ndWard.com
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