Rabbit Rabbit. Just a few quick updates sent to you from Park City Utah, where I will be skiing for the next few days (wish me luck, it has been a few years!).
Rescheduled for Thursday, March 7th at 6pm at the Gym at Elysian Charter School on 15th and Garden. As mentioned in my 2/23 newsletter, the purpose of this meeting is to effectively re-introduce the North Zone of the RBD project to Hoboken neighbors. All are welcome but I specifically want to encourage my 14th and 15th Street neighbors to join – those most affected by the construction and especially those who are NOT familiar with the project. SO PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. If you live in Park & Garden, can you please contact me by email or phone at 201-208-1674.
- Program: Caleb Stratton, Director of Resliency for the City of Hoboken will remind the community about the features of the project, including the amazing park that will be built on the site of the former Harborside Park. We will review the project construction and installation plan and revisit the final colors (GoldFinch) and materials. And we will answer questions neighbors have about the project.
- What this WONT BE, is reconsidering the entire project. This project began in 2015 – before I was first elected. The initial discussions about the features of the barrier structure were approved in 2018/19 with the final design finally approved in 2020. We have a handful of neighbors who have been here every step of the way since 2015 and even they have questions now. So imagine the questions all of the new neighbors have who have no idea what the project is and why the park has been torn up in front of them and trees being ripped out...
photo credit: Hudson County View
Earlier this week, we learned of the passing of Aaron Lewit. Ron Hine from Fund for Better Waterfront wrote a beautiful letter about Aaron that I encourage you to read. But I offer a brief summary, based upon how I knew him. Aaron's life was rooted in social justice, having worked the majority of his life helping those who needed help the most, with a focus on providing housing, whether temporary shelter or permanent, affordable housing. I met Aaron in 2012 as a board member with Fund for Better Waterfront when we were together starting our fights against the proposed Monarch. I worked closely with Aaron when we were just getting the bones of the Hoboken Food Pantry set up in 2020, in the middle of COVID – among other things he has done, if you go to the pantry and see the miles and miles of shelving that holds the shelf stable goods, Aaron sourced those from south Jersey for pennies, had them delivered and helped install them. He and I spoke at length about affordable housing and the challenges of building it in Hoboken - he was filled with so much wisdom on the topic and I learned everytime we spoke. I couldn't have been more thrilled to vote for him when CP Jen Giattino convinced Aaron to become a commissioner for the HHA, where he brought his experience and most importantly, his love for helping others to those in our community who value it the most. I cannot say enough about how amazing of a human being Aaron was and his legacy will remain with me and within our community for a very long time. I will miss seeing him riding his bike around Hoboken.
My heart goes out to his wife Lynne and their son Nathanael but know the many memories they have with Aaron will be blessings to them and to all who loved him. Godspeed Aaron. From FBW: There will be a celebration of Aaron’s life with a Memorial Service on Saturday, March 9th at the Hoboken Community Church on Sixth and Garden Streets from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All of his friends, neighbors and associates are invited.
They beat Shabazz HS Bulldogs 74-62 last night and will now advance to the sectional championship where they will face Newark Tech on Saturday at Hoboken High School at 4pm. Come and show your support for our team! #HereWeComeHoboken
Thank you for your feedback on my recent newsletter about the upcoming congressional race and for your support. From the feedback, some of you may not have lived here in 2017 when the disturbing flyer was first discovered just before Election Day. Nancy Colasurdo, a Hoboken neighbor, friend and journalist, wrote a compelling article shortly after the election that IMHO vividly captures the events and sentiments of many of us at that time. I had not read it until she shared it last week but here it is if you'd like to learn more: How a gay progressive became a vote for 'hate' | Opinion - nj.com. Also, if you read the news articles last week, you may have seen they overlooked the proverbial straw that prompted me to finally file the 2021 complaint - when we learned that they considered the same path in the 2011 State Assembly race (Bhalla v Ramos) and that the 2017 flyer may not have been an isolated incident. I raise this, because many I have spoken to were not aware previously aware of this until we spoke. Thank you for all who engaged with me on this and feel free to continue reaching out.
As always, please share this with everyone you know who may be interested and reach out any time on any issue important to you: 201-208-1764 or [email protected].
Tiffanie Fisher
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”
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