Now with the election behind us, having slept, showered and shared a “porterhouse for three” and a bottle (or two) of wine with friends and family last night at Dino’s (2nd ward of course!), I can tell you that I am only feeling positive and energized about what lies ahead!

Getting elected to office at any level takes a team of people who support you, who guide you and who just plain do stuff for you. As I mentioned in my "We Did It" email yesterday, I want to thank everyone who were responsible for our shared victory. The list is long, but I will try to be concise (one of my new term resolutions is going to be working on being more concise and brief…)
- First and foremost, my family. My father came down from Rochester and fed me, made signs, drove me around, and handed out literature! My Dad had a great closing statement as he walked the line at the ferry and buses with me “Vote for my daughter…” which I know got me hundreds of votes! My mom, whose spirit I felt every step of the way supporting me. My Aunt Barb who many of you spoke with during the 3,000+ calls she made during the campaign. Incredible. She has already signed up for more phone banking in the future! And my sister and brother-in-law who cheered me on from Rochester. They even pulled out vintage gear from 2015 and wore for the occasion!

- The almost 200 of you who donated to my campaign. Getting our campaign message out and reaching people costs more than it should and I am grateful for your financial support. (In the end, having to correct all the misinformation put out by my opponent and CM Doyle ended up costing about $5,000 in more mailers than I expected, so post election victory donations are appreciated!).
- My friend “Aunt Mary” (Jen’s actual aunt, my friend…), my calming spirit and unofficial operations manager who womaned the table at all my events, who captained all my envelope stuffing teams, who stamped, labeled and stuffed about 2,000 envelopes on her own and who rode shotgun with Brownie on her lap for all my running round in this campaign!
- My friend Cynthia – who joined me for almost every activity I had. Inside or outside. Rain or shine. Warm or cold.
- My friend Emily – who has been part of all my campaigns providing amazing guidance, a necessary ear, envelope stuffing and handholding through the last few days.
- A long list of friends and volunteers– new and old - who door knocked, handed out literature, wore my gear, hung my signs, made introductions, canvassed, made calls, stuffed envelopes and challenged and got results on Election Day.
- My amazing printers and mailhouse Dave Passante of Royal Printing who gave me the best service anyone could ask for on one of the most critical parts of a campaign – mailers.
- My messaging advisors Al and Mike who kept me on the right path when I was tempted to veer off…
- My t-shirt guy Victor Jaramillo of We Print Marketing who made amazing t-shirts for me again (third times a charm)!
- My friends and neighbors who wrote humbling endorsements for me and then shared them with neighbors and the public.
- My “city girls” who have been there supporting me through this crazy experience called a Hoboken election.
- My family and friends on social media who have been cheering me on every step of the way.
- My dear friends Jen, Liz and Paul who commiserated, conspired and collaborated with me during our four parallel races – looking forward to helping Paul during his runoff election.
- Most importantly, my voters, for believing in me and showing up on Election Day. I am so very humbled by your support.
- And those who voted, but not for me… I know some of you voted for my opponents and some of you voted against me – and there is a difference. But I see you and will be a better representative because of you, just let me know what you want to see me do better.
We often hear the phrase, and I personally have used it many times – “It Takes A Village”. I am so grateful for the village that came out to support me. Thank you everyone for your support and for all your congratulatory emails yesterday. Looking forward to four more years of More Voices (always better) and Engaging with, Informing and Advocating for you.
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