7-#MOREVOICES Newsletter Day 4 Observations & Feedback


Day 2 of the PATH closure. 

I was out at the 14th Street Ferry Terminal and also spoke with the PANYNJ representative about the downtown Ferry Terminal.  I want to share some observations as well as remind you to share any you may have.  This is a team effort and as you know, #morevoices are always better in situations like this.  I will continue to keep my webpage updated with all of this and other current information during the PATH closure.  PATH STATION CLOSURE - Tiffanie for Hoboken
  • Overall passenger volume picked up for midtown, but remained low for downtown.  I know that Monday and Friday's are the lowest volume.  We expect tomorrow/Tuesday to be busier.
  • Most people came prepared with their $3 ferry ticket and their PATH verification—all the pre-education is paying off! 
  • The additional downtown ferries were added!  Hooray! 
  • After some initial confusion of when and where the additional ferries would go, we learned that NYWW took the existing schedule - which runs to Brookfield / Pier 11 every 25-30 minutes, and inserted additional ferries to Brookfield in between.  So what this means: 
    • All ferries will go to Brookfield and will run every 10 -14 minutes during peak hours
    • To go on to Pier 11, it will only be those ferries that will depart on the regular 25-30 min schedule.   
  • NY Waterway (NYWW) staff were again on-site in bright yellow coats and were very helpful - same, familiar faces.
  • Passengers were asked to show evidence of a PATH mechanism - either a Metro Card, a Smartlink or the digital pass from PATH - and most people had this.  For those that didn't have any, I and the NYWW staff showed them how to find the digitial pass or I just texted a picture of it to them.
  • Click this picture of the digitial pass and save it to your pictures on your phone so you dont have to keep scrambling for it.
  • NYWW sent out an alert yesterday saying their online schedules for these added ferries have not yet been updated but they will be soon.  Check the App and website often for the updated ferry schedules https://www.nywaterway.com/path.aspx
  • Because of the lack of a visible schedule (I think) - most of the added ferries went with only a few people on it.  Hopefully we will see more people tomorrow to justify adding these ferries.
  • New signs were placed to point people to where to queue - most seem to be getting the hang of it now.  And the signs even included added helpful hints to get the $3 special ferry ticket!:
    • 39th St / Midtown passengers along the railing to the left.
    • Brookfield / Pier 11 passengers along the building to the right.
  • Ferries were not consistently on time but better today than Friday.  All involved are getting the hang of it.
  • NYWW staff ARE NOW checking PATH verification—But they are mostly doing this in advance so it is not slowing the process so far.
  • Although most people were prepared, some still struggled to find NYWW’s $3 Ferry Ticket in the app. How to access can be found below after my signature!
These are based upon feedback I received from both PANYNJ this morning and neighbors:
  • HIgh volumes and long lines for ferries at NJT Terminal but generally running smoothly.  Most passengers are prepared with Special Ferry Ticket and PATH mechanism.  NYWW and PANYNJ staff in line helping people.
  • From NJT Terminal, cerries running to both midtown and downtown every 10 minutes.  I understand that they are filling all these boats to capacity - 400 people - and no one is being left behind.  People have reported that the ones to Brookfield / Pier 11 are very crowded.
  • Buses - so far sounds like there are plenty, with the usually situation of some going by stops already full.  I did hear that the Academy buses need better signage saying they are the 126 route. 
  • Shuttle to Newport PATH - feedback I received is it went pretty quick and smoothly.
  • @ Port Authority - Reminder that the gate for Hoboken is now 213 / 214.  I understand this was not clear, but when passengers got to the right gate, there was PANYNJ staff that were very helpful and the buses were frequent.
  • @ NYWW Midtown Terminal - Updated slip assignments:
    • Hoboken/NJT → Slip 2
    • Hoboken 14th St / Lincoln Harbor → Slip 3
    • IMPORTANT: Due to ongoing construction in the center of the barge, make sure you enter from the correct doors. If you go through the wrong entrance, you’ll have to loop back through the terminal to get to the right slip.


Please keep sharing your experiences.  
  • Buses (uptown and downtown): How were the lines, crowds, and frequency?
  • Port Authority commute home: How was the experience?
  • Downtown Ferry Terminal: I plan to check it out next week, but any feedback is welcome.
  • NJ Ferry Terminals: How was the return trip to NJ?

Teamwork makes the dream work as they say.  I am super happy to hear all the positive feedback and will definitely let both NYWW and PANYNJ teams know.  But make sure you do as well.  A kind and supportive word can go a long way.  I will be at the uptown ferry tomorrow for one, hopefully, last day to help and observe a more expected high volume day.  Please share your feedback so we can keep improving the commute experience for everyone.
As always, please share this with everyone you know who may be interested and reach out any time on any issue important to you: 201-208-1674 or [email protected].      

Tiffanie Fisher
Hoboken City Councilwoman
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”
If interested in helping me explore running to be your Hoboken Mayor:  
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How to Access the $3 Ferry Ticket

To purchase the $3 Ferry Ticketfollow these steps in order and carefully:
  • Download and open the NYWW App (iOS/Android).
  • Tap Store at the bottom.
  • Select Origin and scroll down to find the stations that begin with "Path" (they should now be at the top of the list after originally being at the bottom and hard to find). Select your station and tap Done.
  • Select Destination and choose the station you’re heading to (it should also have "Path" in the name). Tap Done.
  • You will now see the $3 ticket available for purchase.
Troubleshooting:  If you don’t see the $3 ticket:
  • Go back and clear the cache by tapping the "X" next to both Origin and Destination.
  • Re-enter the correct stations and try again.
  • If that doesn’t work, exit the app completely and restart it.
  • The app sometimes "remembers" non-PATH selections, which can prevent the $3 ticket from appearing. Clearing the cache or restarting the app should fix it.

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