#7 Today (3/7) - A LOT Happening!


First Thursday in March and a lot happening today!  Reminder about not one, but two interesting community meetings tonight, that of course, are happening at the same time…

6pm at the Gym at Elysian Charter School on 15th and Garden.  This meeting is DEFINITELY for those who do not know what this project is and don’t know why mature trees are being cut down and a project site is being set up at Harborside Park.  But it is also an opportunity for everyone else to be reacquainted with this major park design and public infrastructure project that will be under construction in our neighborhood for the next 2-3 years. 
Caleb Stratton, Director of Resiliency for the City of Hoboken will review the features of the project including the amazing park and the project construction and installation plan.  We will also revisit the final colors (GoldFinch) selected by the DEP for the outdoor features that wind through the 2nd ward.  Do you care if this anti-flooding structure is highlighted in bright gold throughout the neighborhood? I and other neighbhors have spoken with Caleb on this issue in advance of this meeting so come with your ideas and suggestions.  Also, there will be a Q&A at the end so come with questions.
6pm via zoom.  Click to register => Webinar Registration - Zoom
Do you live in or go through SW Hoboken regularly and deal with the traffic?  Have you ever gotten stuck at the various lights in SW Hoboken near and around the light rail crossing on Patterson Plank?  Then this is the meeting for you! (unless you live near 15th street and should be going to the RBD meeting….).  Hudson County and Hoboken received funding to deploy an advanced traffic signal system for 60 select, signalized intersections in the southwest section of the City of Hoboken and a portion of the John F. Kennedy Boulevard corridor in Jersey City.  Initial planning and design started in September 2023, conceptual level designs anticipated for completion in March 2024, with final completion targeted for 4Q2026.  You can learn more here: Hudson County/Hoboken Advanced Traffic Signal System - Project Info
Proposed improvements include: Upgraded traffic signal controllers, New vehicle detection technology with the ability to automatically adjust signal timing based on real-time traffic conditions when needed, Installation of wireless cellular communications between the traffic signals and Hudson County Engineering's office and Advanced traffic signal system technology software for remote monitoring and control of traffic signal timing.
12-7pm at 626 Washington.  How long has it been since Hoboken has had a fish market?  Too long.  From the owners of the amazing Stingray Lounge (a 2nd ward gem!), comes the long awaited Angelo Seafood Market!  I may not be first in line today (as I try to get this newsletter out by 12:30!), but I will definitely be stopping by ASAP to get some fresh seafood for dinner.  From their nascent Instagram account, their offerings will include the following:
Let’s show this new business some Hoboken love and support! #ShopLocal 
9pm tonight on pretty much any network where you get your news.  With former Governor Nikki Hayley dropping out of the race yesterday, we now know our two choices in the upcoming 2024 Presidential election - it will be a Biden / Trump rematch.  All I can say is it is incumbent on us as voters to be as educated as possible on the issues and the candidates because our decision in November could have lasting impacts on our nation and our community.  I am not pushing for one or the other (although you know my politics), I am just pushing for you to be present in this important decision we will make together as a nation in November.  If you are not yet registered to vote, you can do so online here:  Voter Registration | NJ DOS - Division of Elections.  The only way to have a seat at the table on issues, is to be at the table.

As always, please share this with everyone you know who may be interested and reach out any time on any issue important to you: 201-208-1764 or [email protected].  Click to subscribe to my newsletter.  
Tiffanie Fisher
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”
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Learn more: www.Hoboken2ndWard.com
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