LA Fires - Ways To Help

I know you join me in heartbreak as we watch the devastating fires in Los Angeles. 

Like many of our Hoboken neighbors, I too personally know some who have lost everything.  The unimaginable losses as well as the rippling effects throughout the area on all who supported or worked in those communities are overwhelming to absorb. 
There is no wrong way to help – whether you want to support national agencies like the Red Cross or Save the Children, or help support first responders or local animal rescues.  Help in the way that feels most important to you – every dollar and donation is needed.  These agencies have been vetted by various sources and are all providing direct support in the area: California Community Foundation  ● Save the Children - Emergency Fund ● California Fire Foundation ● Los Angeles Regional Food Bank ● YMCA Metro LA - Community Response & Action ● L.A. Fire Department Foundation ● Pasadena Humane Society ● Ventura County Community Foundation ● American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles ● Direct Relief ● World Central Kitchen.  If you are interested to learn more about providing local help to smaller efforts, Mutual Aid Los Angeles Network (MALAN) has put together this list:

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