Maritime Park Meeting

Please join for a community meeting tonight to get an update on Phase I of Maritime Park. 

The first phase of Maritime Park will include the redevelopment of the skatepark, an extension of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway, a new entry plaza, a living shoreline, and a nursery for plants that will be used to landscape public open spaces in future phases of the park’s development.  Important questions to ask:  What is the timing and expected cost? How will this project be impacted by the adjacent $30 million remedial and repair work required for the waterfront bulk head? How will these two projects be coordinated with the Sinatra Drive expansion/improvement project? I have requested that Colliers engineering be the engineer for all three projects to ensure they are designed and project managed as efficiently as possible.  Colliers has already been awarded the engineer design contracts for the waterfront and Maritime Park. 

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