Renewable Energy Program - Billing Issues

Did you get an exceptionally high PSEG bill this month...

....and are opted into the city’s third-party renewable energy program? I’ve heard from several neighbors who did—and I did as well. My bill was double the prior month, and I was away for half the month.  As a reminder, Hoboken’s Renewable Energy Program promises locked-in rates with IDT Energy through October 2026, depending on the selected plan:
  • Basic Plan: 11.86 cents/kWh
  • Standard Plan: 12.83 cents/kWh
  • 100% Green Plan: 12.97 cents/kWh
I have spoken to the administration about this and they will be reaching out to the provider to understand better and hopefully provide an update via nixle to the community soon.  In the interim, here’s what I’ve learned so far from neighbors on this amazingly helpful Reddit thread and also shared with the administration:

What happened?

Overcharges: Many residents were charged higher rates—up to 21.5 cents/kWh or more—despite being enrolled in a plan with locked-in rates. IDT Energy attributed this to a "system error" and so far is issuing refunds by check to those who have reached out.  I’ve asked Hoboken's Assistant Business Administrator to look into this, as I believe this is a system-wide issue, not just a series of one-offs. I will follow up again tomorrow.

Transition issues

Some residents previously on Direct Energy (the prior supplier) weren’t switched to IDT Energy, leaving them charged at Direct Energy’s higher rates.  Others who opted into the Basic Plan were incorrectly charged Standard Plan rates or higher.

What you can do

  • Check Your Bill: Look for "IDT Energy" or "Direct Energy" as the supplier and verify the rate matches your selected plan.
  • Compare Rates: Confirm the charge per kWh aligns with your plan’s locked-in rate.
  • Contact the Supplier: If overcharged, call the number listed on your bill to request a refund.
  • Monitor Future Bills: Ensure corrections are made and no further errors occur.
I’ll provide updates as I hear more. If this has impacted you, please feel free to reach out so I can advocate on your behalf.

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