Overnight, Hoboken received a few inches of snow, and the colder temperatures have left us with icy conditions.
It’s unofficially “Walk Like a Duck Day.” On any surface that doesn’t look completely dry, walk flat-footed, like a duck, to stay as safe as possible. And if you feel like quacking and flapping your arms, well, that might brighten the day for the rest of us.
If you are responsible for a sidewalk in front of your home, please make sure it is completely cleared this morning to avoid being ticketed. A quick reminder: salt only works above 15 degrees, and between 15 and 32 degrees, it creates slush that, if not cleared, will refreeze into ice as temperatures drop again tonight.

In the spirit of MLK Day and our strong sense of community, if you see a neighbor who hasn’t yet shoveled, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. Or better yet, grab some friends and help them out if you know they’re out of town or unable to do it themselves.
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