You may or may not have yet seen the news, but NY Waterway is expecting ferry service delays during tomorrow's commuting hours, in particular in the morning.
According to various news sources 23 of their 32 ferries were taken out of service over the weekend due to safety concerns (mainly fire safety and emergency systems). As of this writing, the reports suggest that only 6 or 8 have been put back in service. Although NYWW has not yet specificed what the delay will be they suggested that some routes will just operate less frequently due to less boats available. The example given was if a route operated every 10 minutes, tomorrow morning it might be every twenty. NY Waterway released a statement tonight saying:
"NY Waterway apologizes to our loyal customers for any inconvenience and will correct this issue quickly. We expect to restore full service Tuesday. All ferry customers will be served. Most customers will experience no delays. NY Waterway will restore its 33-year record of providing safe, reliable service to hundreds of millions of people. Call 1-800-53-FERRY or visit for information."
"NY Waterway apologizes to our loyal customers for any inconvenience and will correct this issue quickly. We expect to restore full service Tuesday. All ferry customers will be served. Most customers will experience no delays. NY Waterway will restore its 33-year record of providing safe, reliable service to hundreds of millions of people. Call 1-800-53-FERRY or visit for information."
As you know, when one part of our morning commute has issues, it ripples through to others so whether you are taking the ferry or driving or taking the bus or the path, expect for some agita during tomorrow's rush hour and plan accordingly. And don't forget to dress a little warmer in case you are standing outside longer - the temperatures for the morning's commute are around 40 degrees. I will let you know if/when I receive any further information.

As always, please forward to anyone you think may be interested in receiving this. And feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 201/208-1674 to discuss what you have read or anything else that is important to you.
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
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