9 TONIGHT - Malibu, Railyards, Medical Cannabis, and Affordable Housing

 There is a planning board meeting tonight that includes a review of a number of topics that many of you have expressed interest in. 
There are administrative reviews of the Hoboken Railyards projectAffordable Housing set aside increases, and adding medical cannabis as a conditional use to certain zones.  Additionally, there are two applications for approval including for the redevelopment of the Malibu Diner site and 89-91 Park Avenue.  I have received a number of inquiries from many of you about the Jersey Digs article pertaining to the Malibu Diner site and the timing of the application before the planning board.  The meeting begins at 7pm with the administrative reviews up front and the Malibu application coming after so if I were guessing, that application will not begin until 8pm at the earliest.  The application for 89-91 Park avenue will then follow.  The agenda is full so the meeting may go until 11pm+.  For those unaware, I am currently on the planning board as the City Council designee, so I cannot discuss any of these matters other than let you know the timing. 
If you would like to attend in person, the meeting is held on the ground floor of City Hall, entrance on Newark St.  The protocol for the meeting – the public cannot speak during the administrative reviews.  But they can speak during applications including asking questions of the professionals during the presentation, and then general comments at the end.    
I am sorry for the late notice.  I will also try to send a note out tomorrow with other community updates.
As always, please forward to anyone you think may be interested in receiving this.  And feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 201/208-1674 to discuss what you have read or anything else that is important to you.  
Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward
Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”
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